Efficient energy generation and lightning for greenhouses

Project contacts

Geir Guðmundsson
This project aims to improve Iceland's greenhouse farming energy efficiency. To achieve this, the project will first map the economic feasibility of modern indoor farming practices. Then it will investigate innovative lighting technologies, greenhouse designs and the implementation of new energy generation and heat transfer methods. Finally, the partners' long term vision is to improve the economic and environmental conditions for vegetable greenhouse farming in Iceland.
Duration: 2018- 2021
Role in the project
- Verkefnistjórn
- Varmafræðileg hermun á gróðurhúsum
- Geislun og geislunareinangrun
- Hugmyndavinna um hönnun umhverfisvænna gróðurhúsa fyrir norðlægar slóðir
- Hámörkun lýsingar og raforkusparnaðar
- Kæling og rafmagnsframleiðsla með jarðhita
- Öflun og nýting umhverfisvæns og ódýrs koltvísýrings fyrir ræktun
- Agricultural University of Iceland
- Association for Vertical Farming
- Hárækt / Vaxa
- Studio Granda Architects
This project has received funding from Iceland's Technology Development Fund (Tækniþróunarsjóður).