
The goal of this project is to develop a novel method for trawling fish and other deep-sea marine life that presents a considerably reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional methods that rely on wires and net panels. Experiments will be conducted using a device called the VirtualTrawl, a fishing gear that eliminates contact with the sea bottom while it also presents reduced underwater drag compared to traditional equipment. As such, the VirtualTrawl protects the underwater habitat, it avoids disrupting leftover marine life, and it reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
The project will also explore the behavior of different marine life to this technology and the devices’ trawling capacity on actual fishing zones. This technology and trawling procedures will be developed to match the marine life that best responds to these fishing practices.
Duration: 2015 - 2018
Role in the project
Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands þróaði og smíðaði tilraunagerð ljósvörpu, sem notuð verður við veiðitilraunir. Nýsköpunarmiðstöð mun sjá um frekari þróun og umbætur á tilraunabúnaði í verkefninu.
Project partners
- Optitog ehf. (IS)
- Hafrannsóknastofnun – The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (IS)
This project has received funding from Iceland’s Technology Development Fund (Tækniþróunarsjóður) and AVS – the research fund for the fishing industry (rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi).