Nanorep I and II

Scratch resistance is a feature we’ve all come to expect in our daily products. From eye-glasses, to iPhone screens, to advanced engineering applications, nothing speaks to us more about a product’s durability than its ability to withstand the day-to-day wear and tear.
The aim of this project is to develop a range of polymer blends using nano-particles to deliver scratch resistance at least three times better than current materials provide. The project consists of selecting appropriate methods for characterization of scratch and mar resistance, investigating and developing dispersion methods, as well as to develop and manufacture nanoparticles with the desired scratch resistant properties. To conclude the project, the project partners will evaluate the environmental and health-related impact of these materials and perform a cost evaluation.
Duration: 2006 - 2013
Role in the project
- Performing scratch resistance on various surfaces.
- Measuring the strength-related properties of the materials.
- Analyzing the nanoparticle distribution in the materials.
- Analyzing the superficial texture of the materials using AFM technology.
Project partners
- Landgræðsla ríkisins (IS)
- Málning hf. (IS)
- Elkem Materials (NO)
- Jotun (NO)
- Re-Turn (NO)
- Hydro Polymers (NO)
- Beckers Industrial Coatings (SE)
- Swerea (SE)
- Eka Chemicals (SE)
- Polykemi (SE)
- Volvo Cars (SE)
- Bang & Olufsen (DK)
- VTT (FI)
- Millidyne (FI)
- Pintavision (FI)
- Nokia (FI)
This project has received funding from Nordic Innovation.