
Portable 3D scanners with low measurement uncertainty are ideally suited for capturing the 3D shape of objects in their natural environment. To create a complete model of an object from several overlapping scans (multiple viewpoints), manual post processing or expensive or complex external hardware has been necessary. The NavOScan project demonstrates fully automatic assembly of 3D scans from multiple views using a small navigation unit attached to the scanner. The unit combines visual and inertial sensing to provide a robust estimate of scanner viewpoint, enabling the automatic scan assembly.
Duration: 2010 - 2013
Role in project
- Project coordination
- Functional prototype
- Visual-inertial navigation unit
- Data acquisition firmware
- Image processing software
Project partners
- Fraunhofer (DE)
- Innowep (DE)
- New Imaging Technologies (FR)
- Enclustra (CH)
- Autonomous State (IS)
- Simpleware (UK)
- 3D Scanners UK (UK)
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7=2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no. 262516.