Development of novel SERS substrates

Project contacts

Íslensku Íslenska

The aim of the project is to design and implement novel metal nanostructure geometries for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The SERS-active surface will be developed specifically for back-illuminated reflection geometries, contrary to current approaches that typically involve illumination through the sample being studied. The present approach will be suitable for incorporation into microfluidic systems, also for cases where the fluid under investigation is not transparent, such as blood or milk. Furthermore, it will be suitable for SERS studies of live or fixed cells, typically investigated with inverted microscopes through thin glass substrates. The project will evaluate the potential for the developed SERS substrates to identify the degree of differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells and malignancy of human cancer cells.

Duration: 2016 - 2018

Role in the project

  • Project coordination
  • Technical implementation
  • Experimental facilities

Project partners

  • Tufts University, Boston (US)
  • Reykjavik University (IS)
  • The Icelandic Blood Bank (IS)


This project is supported by the Icelandic Research Fund.

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